Transition Information KS3
Transition information - Larwood Academy Trust KS3
The transition from primary to secondary school can be a stressful event for all students and their parents/carers. We at Larwood Academy Trust aim to provide clarity, support and an individualised approach for all of our students and their parents/carers during the transition process and have dedicated teams within the Trust to support with this.
What you can expect from us:
- Visit the pupil in their current setting.
- Liaise with the previous school to gather as much information about the pupil.
- We will attend the pupils EHCP review prior to admission.
- Admission meeting with parent/carer/student, or home visit when needed.
- Open evening for Parents/carers in the summer term prior to admission.
- Induction programme for all pupils. A transition week in the summer term , prior to admission.
- Phased transition support, where necessary.