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Brandles School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust


"When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back."

 - Paulo Coelho

I am sure this is how many of us have felt since the start of the pandemic. So many challenges have been thrown at us all, in such quick succession that it is remarkable how well so many have coped. This includes our school community. Parents, pupils, staff and Trustee’s have had to make rapid and wide reaching adjustments to keep safe and to maintain the progress of the children that we serve. I am in awe of you all, as this has been such a huge challenge which has created increased levels of anxiety, concern and trepidation but also great determination, adaptability, passion and selflessness. You continue to amaze me every day!

Please use this area of our website to see information that relates to this topic. You may want to check our risk assessment, our ‘normal operating procedures, the letters that have been shared or other information. Just like all schools, we have gone through phases of change according to the way that situation has evolved. However, our core theme of do no harm has been used to question and check our approach at frequent intervals. 

Our core approach so far has relied upon:

  • Revised daily routine protocols for staff and pupils (hand washing, entry/exit, movement etc)
  • Enhanced cleaning on a day to day basis and when potential outbreak occurs
  • Revised approaches to the environment-revamped classrooms, directions of travel, reducing contact points etc
  • Being ready for a case of Covid 19 with staff or pupils
  • Increased levels of communication, intervention and support for all parties where appropriate

Communication is such an essential part of our day to day life but is even more important when faced with such a different. if you have any questions, concerns or just need to talk through some issues in connection to school and Covid 19, then please email or call us. 

Please note that we will be conducting some online sessions for parents in the near future.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding and we will come through this difficult situation.